Minggu, 03 Mei 2009


Dari ERD yang diberikan terdapat 2 kesalahan, yaitu:

• Tidak ada cardinalitas antara tabel BAGIAN dengan PROYEK.
• Tidak ada hubungan dari tabel PROYEK ke TANGGUNGAN, karena tabel PROYEK telah memiliki hubungan kerja dengan tabel Pegawai.

Setelah ERD diubah:

• diberikan cardinalitas antara table BAGIAN dengan table PROYEK dengan 1 to N
• table BAGIAN dengan table PEGAWAI dengan hubungan total, agar dapat ditentukan tabel yang mendapatkan forein key dari relasi PIMPIN.
• menghapus relasi antara tabel PROYEK ke TANGGUNGAN

Normalisasi 1NF dan 2NF

Untuk tabel TANGGUNGAN dan KERJA tidak perlu dinormalisasi, karena tidak memiliki primary key.


Minggu, 26 April 2009


Functional Dependency (FD)

restriction is derived from the meaning of attributes and relationships between attributes
There is a functional dependency from X to Y indicates that the value of attribute X determine the unique value of attribute Y
- Written as X --> Y
- Can be read as: determine the X or Y, Y is determined by the X or, there are functional dependency from X to Y
- FD is obtained from the fact that there is (obtained at the analysis system)

Example :

• Relation instance Teach potentially have on the functional dependency TEXT --> COURSE

• There is no FD TEACHER -->COURSE
• FD should apply to all lines in the relationship. To determine the FD must understand the semantics of data, consider the instance that there is now and will have in the future.

On the relations EMP_PROJ there are 3 FD:

Normalization should be performed for:
- Optimization table structures
- Increase the speed
- Eliminate income data the same
- More efficient use of storage media
- Reduce redundancy
- Avoiding anomalies (insertion anomalies, deletion anomalies, update anomalies).
- Improved data integrity

• There are several normal forms based on a number of criteria:
- Primary keys (1NF, 2NF, 3NF)
- All Candidate Keys (2NF, 3NF, BCNF)
- Multivalued dependencies (4NF)
- Join dependencies (5NF)

Normalization should be done in order to design the database that produced good quality and meet the desired nature. Normalization in practice difficult to do if the restrictions of a basic normalization difficult to understand or difficult to detect. The database does not need to do a form of normalization to the highest, usually done to achieve 3NF or BCNF

Denormalisasi: reverse process of normalization, ie, combine several relations, brought to normal form of a lower

First Normal form (1NF)
First normal form (1NF) is part of the definition of relations.
• The form does not allow the normal first:
- Composite attributes,
- Multivalue attributes,
- Nested relations.

Second Normal form (2NF)
• Using the concept of FD and the primary key
• Definition:
- Full functional dependency: a FD X --> Y if such until one of the attribute of X removed, then the FD is not there anymore.
• Example:
- (SSN, PNUMBER) --> HOURS is a full FD, as there is no SSN --> HOURS, and PNUMBER --> HOURS
- (SSN, ENAME --> PNUMBER) is a partial dependency, not because there is a full FD dependency SSN ENAME
• A relation R is in second normal form (2NF) if R is in 1NF and every nonprime attribute A in relation R is functional dependent on the full primary key.
• A relation R can didekomposisi to-customer relationships that meet 2NF through the process of 2NF normalization

Third Normal form (3NF)
• A relation R is in third normal form (3NF) if R is in 2NF and no nonprime attribute A in R which has a transitive dependency on the primary key.
• A relation R can-decomposition relationships to meet the 3NF relations via the process of 3NF normalization
• Note:
- In the FD X -> Y and Y -> Z, with X as the primary key, we consider this as a problem only if Y is not a candidate key.
- If Y is a candidate key, there is no problem with this transitive dependency
- Example: Relations EMP (SSN, Emp #, Salary) does not violate 3NF because even though there are FD SSN à Emp # à Salary, Emp # is a candidate key

Normal is defined in the form of informal
• 1st normal form
- All attributes depend on the key
• 2nd normal form
- All attributes depend on the whole key
• 3rd normal form
- All attributes depend on nothing but the key

Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
• A relation scheme R is in BCNF with the requirement if there are X à FD on R, then X is superkey of R.
• Every BCNF definitely meet 3NF
• There are relationships that are in 3NF but not BCNF
• Goal to achieve normalization generally 3NF or BCNF

• There are 2 FD on the relation Teach:
- Fd1: (student, course) -> instructor
- Fd2: instructor -> course
• (student, course) is a candidate key to reach
- Relations are located in 3NF but not in BCNF
• BCNF relations that have not been able to achieve BCNF decomposition, but sometimes the FD can eliminate the existing

• There are 3 decomposition is possible to teach the relation:
- (Student, instructor) and (student, course)
- (Course, instructor) and (course, student)
- (Instructor, course) and (instructor, student)
• All is lost decomposition FD1
- All of the FD relations are kept as much as possible, but can also disappear in the normalization BCF
- However, the nature of lossless and non-additivity property after decomposition must remain guarded

Normal form of the fourth and fifth
• Relations in fourth normal form (NF 4) if the relation in BCNF and does not contain a lot of dependence values. To remove the dependency of many values from a relation, we divide the relationship into two new relations. Each relation contains two attributes that have a lot of relationship value.

• Relations in fifth normal form (5NF) deal with the property called the join without any loss of information (lossless join). Fifth normal form (also called the 5 NF PJNF (projection join normal form). The case is very rare and appear difficult to detect in practice.

Sabtu, 18 April 2009


Database is a collection of data from a related one with the other stored in the computer and necessary software to manipulate. Or, organizing the collection of data related to each other to facilitate activities to obtain information.


System that is specifically created to make it easier to manage users in the database. The main purpose DBMS is to provide an environment that is efficient and easy to use, withdrawal and storage of data and information.

Advantages of DBMS:

• Data independence

• Access to the data of the Efficient

• Security and Data Integrity

• Data Administration

• Access Alongside and to the failure recovery

• Time of Application Development shortened.

Entity is the object or objects in the real world is represented in the database. Entity objects that can be physically seen, such as cars, houses, employees, and can also form a physical concept is not visible, such as lectures, corporate, employment.

Attribute is a character or situation that is used to describe an entity.
For example, an employee has a name, SSN, address, gender, date of birth.

One entity will have specific values for each attribute. For example, employees have a certain name Wira, SSN: 1234567 Address: Klungkung Sex: Male Birthdate: 12 August1988
Each attribute has a set of values associated with it. This value is a set of data types, such as integer, string, and the other.


• Simple / Single

Each entity has a single atomic value. Example: SSN, Sex.

• Composite

attribute consists of several components. Example: Address (Street, City, State, ZipCode, Country), Name (firstname, MiddleName, LastName). The composition can be a hierarchy where the attribute is also a component of composite attribute.

• Multi-valued

An entity can have multiple values. Example: color of a car, degree of employees, expressed in: (color), (title).

• Attributes composite multi-valued and can make a nest (nested). Example: (Previous Degrees (College, Year, Degree, Field)).

• PreviousDegrees attribute is a composite and multi-value.

Stored vs. derived Attibutes

- Stored: regular attribute

- Derived: attribute is derived / calculated from the stored attribute

Example: Birthdate vs Age


It is a line of data in a relationship. Consists of the set of attributes where the attribute-attribute-attribute is to inform each other entity / relationship fully

In a collective entity, or entity type, between one entity with another entity must be distinguished. Make how an entity is unique? We need to find an attribute that can be deference.
For example, for the employee, SSN is unique because no two people have the same SSN. For the company, the name can be unique as there is no company that has the same name with another company.

For the payment slip, may have two attributes as pembeda, eg date and time.
Attribute whose value is called a unique key attribute .. An entity can have one key attribute, can also better than one


  • Superkey is one or more attributes of a table that can be used to identify entityty / record of the table are unique (not all attributes can be superkey)
  • Cadidate Key is a super key with minimal attributes. Candidate must not contain a key attribute of the table so that the other candidate key is certain superkey but not necessarily vice versa.
  • Primary Key

One of the key attributes of the candidate can be selected / specified a primary key with the three following criteria:

1. Key is more natural to use as reference

2. Key is more simple

3. Key is guaranteed unique

· Alternate Key is an attribute of the candidate key is not selected to be primary key.

· Foreign Key is any attribute that points to the primary key in another table. Foreign key will be going on a relationship that has kardinalitas one to many (one to many) or many to many (many to many). Foreign key is usually always put on the table that point to many.

· External Key is a lexical attribute (or set of lexical attributes) that values are always identify an object instance.

ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

ERD is a model of a network that uses word order is stored in the abstract system.

Differences between the DFD and ERD

DFD is a model of network functions that will be implemented by the system
ERD is a model that emphasizes the network data on the structure and relationship data

Elements of the ERD

In the ER Diagram Entity is described with the form of a rectangle. Entity is something that exists in the real system and the abstract where the data stored or where there are data.

ER diagram on the relationship can be described with a lozenge. Relationship is a natural relationship that occurs between entities. In general, the name given to the verb base making it easier to do readings relationships. Relationship Degree is the number of entities participating in a relationship. Degree which is often used in the ERD.

is the nature or characteristics of each entity and relationship

tupel indicates the maximum number that can be associated with entities on the other entity


Unary Relationship

model is the relationship between the entity originating from the same entity set.

Binary Relationship

model is the relationship between 2 entities.

Ternary Relationship

is a relationship between the instance of 3 types of entities are unilateral.

There are 3 kardinalitas relations, namely :

- One to One: Level one to one relationship with the one stated in the entity's first event, only had one relationship with one incident in which the two entities and vice versa.

- One to Many or Many to One: Level one to many relationship is the same as the one to many depending on the direction from which the relationship is reviewed. For one incident in the first entity can have many relationships with the incident on the second entity, if the one incident in which two entities can only have a relationship with one incident in which the first entity.

- Many To Many: if any incident occurs in an entity has many relationships with other entities in the incident.

Notation (E-R diagram)

Symbolic notation in the ER diagram is

- Rectangle represent the collective entity

- Circle represent the attributes

- rhomb is represent collective relationships

- Line as the link of relationships between the entity and the collective entity with collection of attribute

Sabtu, 04 April 2009


To facilitate depiction of a system or the new system will be developed without considering the logic of the physical environment where the data flow or the physical environment where the data is saved, then we use the Data Flow Diagram (DFD). DFD is a tool that can describe the flow of data in a system with a structured and clear, that is why DAD is a tool the most important for a systems analyst. DAD can represent a system that automatically or manually by using the image in the network graph.

DFD consists of a context diagram and a detailed diagram (DFD Levelled). Context diagram map model work environment (describing the relationship between external entities, input and output system), which is represented with a single circle which represents the overall system. System is limited by Boundary (depicted by broken line), and at the time of presentment may not have storage (storage).

DFD describes the system as levelled networks between functions related to one another with the flow and storage of data, this model only makes the model system from the point of view function.

DFD will be levelled in a decline in the level where a decrease in the lower level must be able to represent the process in a clear specification of the process. So levelled in DFD can be started from the DFD level 0 and then go down to the DFD level 1 onwards. Each reduction is done only when necessary. The flow of incoming data and exit the process at a level x must be related to the flow of incoming data and exit the level x +1 in the process of defining the level of x is. Process that can not be revealed / told dirinci more primitive functional and the process referred to as primitive.

Each process in the DFD must have a specification process. At the top level method is used to describe the process you can use with descriptive sentences. At a more detailed level, namely on the bottom (functional primitive) require a more structured specification. Specification process will be the guideline for the programmer to make this program (coding). Method used in the specification process: the process of disintegration in the form of a story, decision table, decision tree.

Terminator represent external entities that communicate with the system that is currently being developed. Terminator usually known by the name of foreign entities (external entity).
There are two types of terminator:
1. Terminator Source (source): the terminator of a source.
2. Terminator Destination (sink) is the terminator that was the purpose of data / information system.

Terminator can be a person, group of people, organizations, departments within the organization, or the same company but outside the control system that is being made models.

Terminator can also be departments, divisions or systems outside the system that communicate with the system that is currently being developed.

Terminator components need to be given this name in accordance with the outside world that communicate with the system that is being made model, and usually use the noun, for example, Sales Section, Lecturer, Student.

There are three important issues that must be remembered about the terminator: Terminator is a part / the environment outside the system. Data flow that connects terminator system with different processes, the system shows the relationship with the outside world. Professional Systems reserve the right not to change the contents or the way work organization or procedures relating to the terminator. Relationship existing between the terminator with each other is not described in the DFD.

Is the place mengalirnya information. Depicted with the straight line that connects the components of the system. Data flow direction is indicated with arrows and lines give the name on the flow of data flow. Flow data flow between processes, data storage and data flow indicates that the form of data input for the system

* Guidelines of the name:
0 Name of the flow of data that consists of some words associated with the flow lines connect
0 No flow data for the same and the name should reflect its content
0 The flow of data that consists of several elements can be expressed with the group element
0 Avoid using the word 'data' and 'information' to give a name to the flow of data
0 Wherever possible the complete flow of data is written

* Other provisions
0 Name of the flow of data into a process may not be the same as the name of the data flow out of the process
0 Data flow into or out of data storage does not need to be given a name when the flow of data simple and easy to understand and describe the data flow of all data items
0 There can be no flow of data from the terminal to the data storage, or vice versa because the terminal is not part of the system, the relationship with the terminal data storage must be through a process

Describe the process components of the system that transform input into output. The process is given a name to describe the process / activities that are / will be implemented. Giving the name of the process is done by using the transitive verb (the verb requires an object), such as Calculating Salaries, Printing KRS, Calculating Number of SKS. There are four possibilities that can occur in the process with respect to input and output:

There are a few things to note about the process:

0 The process must have input and output.
0 The process can be connected with the terminator component, process or store data through the data flow.
System / section / division / department that is being analyzed by the professional system with the described process components.

Here is wrong example of a process:

Generally, errors in the DFD process is:

1. The process does not have any input but the output. This error is called the black hole (black hole), because the data into the process and disappeared like to include in the black hole (see process 1).

2. The process of producing output, but did not receive input. This error is called a miracle (magic), because the output produced magically without ever receiving input (see process 2).

This component is used to create a model set of data packets and given the name of the plural noun, such as Student. Data store is usually associated with the storage-storage, such as file or database associated with an in-store computer, such as a diskette file, files, hard disk, magnetic tape files. Also store data related to the storage manually, such as address books, file folders, and agenda.

A data store associated with the flow of data only on the component processes, not with the other components DFD. Data flows that connect the data store with an understanding of the process have the following:

Flow data from the data store, which means as the initialization or reading one single packet of data, more than one packet of data, part of a single packet of data, or part of more than one data packet to a process (see figure 2 (a)).

Flow of data to store data, which means as data updates, such as adding a new data packet or more, remove one or more packages, or change / modify one or more data packet (see figure 2 (b)).

In the first data store does not change, if a packet of data / information from a data store to a process. Instead of the second data store has changed as a result of the flow enters the data store. In other words, the process flow of data is responsible for the changes that occur in the data store.



Work to help the system to interpret the application in detail and organize all elements of the data used in the system precisely so that the system analyst and have a basic understanding of the same input, output, storage and processing. At analysis, the data dictionary is used as a means of communication between the systems analyst with the user. At the system design, data dictionary is used to design input, reports and databases.

* Load the data dictionary as follows:
0 Name of data flow: must note that readers who need further explanation about a flow of data can find it easily
0 Alias: the name of the data can be written when there is
0 Forms of data: used to segment the data dictionary to use when designing the system
0 Flow data: indicates from which data flows and where the data
0 Description: to give an explanation of the meaning of the data flow

The flow of data into and out of a process must be the same as the flow of data into and out of the details of the process on the level / levels below
Name of the data flow into and out of the process must match the name of the flow of data into and out of the details of the process
Number and the name of an entity outside the process must be equal to the number of names and entities outside of the details of the process
The issues that must be considered in the DFD which have more than one level:
0 There must be a balance between input and output of one level and next level
0 Balance between level 0 and level 1 at the input / output of stream data to or from the terminal on level 0, while the balance between level 1 and level 2 is seen on the input / output of stream data to / from the process concerned
0 Name of the flow of data, data storage and terminals at each level must be the same if the same object

Flow data may not be from outside the entity directly to other outside entities without going through a process
Flow data may not be from the savings directly to the data to outside entities without going through a process
Flow data may not be saving the data directly from the savings and other data without going through a process
Flow data from one process directly to the other without going through the process of saving data should / be avoided as much as possible

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009


The differences between the purpose of the system that was developed with the actual condition of the system, the system required investigation.

Another problem is the detection of the problems that the report does not match the reality as a goal that is too ideal, lack of resources, the old system of measurement is less accurate, objective system that does not comply with the development and the differences between the ideal system with the system temporarily.

Goal is to conduct investigations to get a description of the system is running in the details, get a consensus that the ideal system, to develop several alternative solutions and choose the best alternative to the system. And to know the problems that actually occur in the system.

Conduct investigations in several problems that often appear are: the time given for the investigation is too short, the cost required for the investigation is very big, Resources, knowledge of the limited, subject to the political situation is happening, and the intervention of parties who want to benefit from the system

The results of the investigation is a recommendation, among others,
1. Does not take any action if the problem does not exist
2. perform maintenance of the system if there is a small problem occurs in the system
3. improve the skills of the system
4. Consider modifications to total system
5. put the problem to occur in the development plan system which immediately made

To conduct investigations, the specific strategies needed to be able to find the problem, explore the causes and determine the most appropriate solution.
Strategies must be done so that all elements of the system can accept the given bids solution without disrupting the event.

some strategies that do get to listen to with the perpetrator of the system, comparing the stories of some of the problems the same time, concerned about the logical inconsistencies, and does not provide solutions without the initial investigation first.

there are several techniques in the investigation
a. directly
is done with techniques that get information directly from users to the system such as the questionnaire, discussion between users, or make observations directly
b. no direct
investigation is conducted indirectly with the study documents.

Analysis Requirement
Stage of intensive interaction between the systems analyst with the end user where the system development team show their expertise to get feedback and trust so that the user get a good participation.

4 purpose that want to achieved:
- Explain the complete system
- describing the ideal Information System
- Bringing the ideal information system to a condition at this time to pay attention to the constraints of resources
- Providing encouragement to the confidence of user in the system development

- Kuisioner
- Observation
- Analysis procedure
- Document observation

Resources problems:
- Time
- Money
- Expertise
- Technology
- External Factors

Document requirement:
- Analysis direction: Relationships with end users, the observation process, problems in data collection
- User Requirements: actual requirement, reporting requirements, training requirement and the influence of the new system
- System Obstacle: Explaining the cost and time constraints, expertise, technology, and external factors
- Document form data collection instruments, statistical consensus, flow of the logical data and physical data, data elements in the initial data dictionary.

Generating Systems Alternatives
How to approach the condition of the system at this time with the condition of the ideal system?
- Create an alternative to solve the problem of information system
- The best alternative is applied wisely

Options Strategies
- Distributed versus centralized processing
Changes in information decision-making from the centralized data processing to the decentralized end user responsibility center
- Integrated versus dispersed database
System designer must consider the data which are entered in the database and into the file
- Surround Strategy of System Development
About important environmental strategy in the case of company takeovers because the information system of other companies may vary with the company at this time.

Designing Operational Options
The design options can be grouped into:
a. Input
- Online Vs Off Line Data Entry
- Keyed Vs Machine Readable Data Entry
- Centralized Vs Decentralized Data Entry
b. Processing
- Batch Vs Realtime record update
- Sequential Vs Direct Access to records
- Single Vs Multiple Users update of records
c. Output
- Traditional Vs Turn Around Documents
- Structured Vs Inquiry-based reports

Selecting the proper system :
Compare tactics: systems based on the comparison of costs and benefits relative; There are 3 ways a system said the system is superior to the other if:

- A cost is lower than B and both are the same benefits

- A cost is lower than B and A yield advantage of more than B

- A and B have the same but the cost advantage generated a lot more.

Some compare System methods : Break Even point Analyisis, Payback Period, Discounted payback period, Internal Rate of Return

Cost categories :
- Hardware
- Software
- People
- Suppliers
- Teleccommunications
- Physical sites

Comparing the cost of information systems through the life of the system, analysis is calculating the cost changes for the future and there are 3 models of cost of information system, namely Linear, and exponentially Step Function.

Cost of information system can occur only once and can also occur continously. The cost of information systems that occur only once is ontime cost and development cost that occur during the development of the system. The cost of information systems that occur on a continual basis are reccuring cost and operational cost where the cost of this is happened when the information system operates every day.

Qualitative factors that lead the performance information system :
- Reduce errors
- Reducing the time to fix errors
- Reduce the response time from the workstation alternative
- Accelerate the time of providing information
- Improve security systems
- Propagate update records on the source
- Increasing user satisfaction

Corporate Strategy Factors
- Customer satisfaction
- Level sales increased
- Commitment of consumers and vendors
- Information of marketing products

Presenting Learning Of System
- Conduct a brief presentation
- Reduce technical explanation in detail
- Presenting clearly with visual aids
- If using a model using a tool such as a laptop so that more informative
- Emphasize the benefits of the proposed information system with some alternative that is appropriate conditions experienced by the company.

Go-No-Go Decision.

- If the company decided to develop the system, the information department will do next, namely the System Design Process.
- If the other way then the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) will be terminated.
- Often a problem will be found with the study system and then usually top management will ask for the re-employment the study system.
- Model will describe some of the stages of the repeated and sometimes the information will make a decision before the repeat stage system of study.
- With the alternative, the decision to repeat a previous stage SDLC or not is called Go-No-Go Decision.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Chapter 2

Development system can be a replacement of the old system with a new or refine the old system. Development of the system is very important because it made a number of factors, including:

  1. The old system has problems. problems that arise in the old system can disrupt the way the organization. For example a warehouse system that is still set out to manually enter the goods. But the problems will appear such as: cheating in recording the data warehouse, data errors are not intentional, and employees need a lot of stationery.
  2. Development organization. Development of a larger organization, the interaction and information needs of the area, and volume data processing is also bigger. Therefore, the need to develop a new system to handle it and requires a minimum cost.
  3. Seize the opportunity. Development of information technology more quickly. So if an organization or company using the manual system, the organization can not serve the large demand. So that the company will lose out to compete with other companies engaged in the same field.
  4. There is instruction. The issue of global warming, the government issued a law / instruction to reduce carbon emissions, if not will be subject to sanction. So companies need to develop systems that are environmentally friendly.

Goals developed a new system, expected to be able to handle the problems that exist in the old system, can follow the development of the organization so that it can have the opportunity to reach. In addition, the expected performance of the new system has better performance, the required information can be delivered more quickly, to control cheating faster, effective, efficient and economical. Cheating and so will the problems more quickly by others. For example: system problems such as old warehouses that need so many employees who need the funds there are, the cheating is done, the error in calculation, and the waste can be more quickly.

To develop a system needs to principles of the system are:

  1. system developed for management. So that the system must be able to support the needs of pliers is required by management.
  2. The system developed is a large capital investment. So that should be considered the availability of funds, an alternative system in which you want to develop and the value of investment is equivalent to the benefits obtained.
  3. The systems that need to be developed that educated people
  4. Stages of work and tasks to be done in the development process so that the system needs to establish some of the team to develop.
  5. The process developed should not be massaged so that they can save time. Example: in the procurement of hardware, does not mean system development must be halted until the hardware is coming.
  6. Do not be afraid to cancel the project. If there are problems in its development, the project is not feasible to continue, then the funds will be futile
  7. We must be documentation to guide the development of the system. Documentation can be used for communication between the systems analyst with the system

Waterfall ModelSmall

To medium database software projects are generally broken down into six stages:The relationship of each stage to the others can be roughly described as a waterfall, where the outputs from a specific stage serve as the initial inputs for the following stage. During each stage, additional information is gathered or developed, combined with the inputs, and used to produce the stage deliverables. It is important to note that the additional information is restricted in scope; “new ideas” that would take the project in directions not anticipated by the initial set of high-level requirements are not incorporated into the project. Rather, ideas for new capabilities or features that are out-of-scope are preserved for later consideration. After the project is completed, the Primary Developer Representative (PDR) and Primary End-User Representative (PER), in concert with other customer and development team personnel develop a list of recommendations for enhancement of the current software.

Waterfall Strengths : Easy to understand, easy to use. Provides structure to inexperienced staff, Milestones are well understood, Sets requirements stability, Good for management control (plan, staff, track), Works well when quality is more important than cost or schedule

Waterfall Deficiencies : All requirements must be known upfront, Deliverables created for each phase are considered frozen – inhibits flexibility, Can give a false impression of progress, Does not reflect problem-solving nature of software development – iterations of phases, Integration is one big bang at the end, Little opportunity for customer to preview the system (until it may be too late)

When to use the Waterfall Model : Requirements are very well known, Product definition is stable, technology is understood, Porting an existing product to a new platform, New version of an existing product

Iterative Model

An iterative lifecycle model does not attempt to start with a full specification of requirements. Instead, development begins by specifying and implementing just part of the software, which can then be reviewed in order to identify further requirements. This process is then repeated, producing a new version of the software for each cycle of the model.

A Requirements phase, in which the requirements for the software are gathered and analyzed. Iteration should eventually result in a requirements phase that produces a complete and final specification of requirements. A Design phase, in which a software solution to meet the requirements is designed. This may be a new design, or an extension of an earlier design.An Implementation and Test phase, when the software is coded, integrated and tested.

A Review phase, in which the software is evaluated, the current requirements are reviewed, and changes and additions to requirements proposed.For each cycle of the model, a decision has to be made as to whether the software produced by the cycle will be discarded, or kept as a starting point for the next cycle (sometimes referred to as incremental prototyping). Eventually a point will be reached where the requirements are complete and the software can be delivered, or it becomes impossible to enhance the software as required, and a fresh start has to be made. The iterative lifecycle model can be likened to producing software by successive approximation. Drawing an analogy with mathematical methods that use successive approximation to arrive at a final solution, the benefit of such methods depends on how rapidly they converge on a solution. The key to successful use of an iterative software development lifecycle is rigorous validation of requirements, and verification (including testing) of each version of the software against those requirements within each cycle of the model. The first three phases of the example iterative model is in fact an abbreviated form of a sequential V or waterfall lifecycle model. Each cycle of the model produces software that requires testing at the unit level, for software integration, for system integration and for acceptance. As the software evolves through successive cycles, tests have to be repeated and extended to verify each version of the software.

Spiral Model

The spiral model is an evolutionary software process model that couples the iterative nature of prototyping with the controlled and systematic aspects of the linear sequential model. It provides the potential for rapid development of incremental versions of the software. In the spiral model, software is developed in a series of incremental releases. During early iteration, the incremental release might be a paper model or prototype. During later iterations, increasingly more complete versions of the engineered system are produced.

The goal of the spiral model of the software production process is to provide a framework also called task regions, for designing such as processes, guided by the risk levels in the project at hand. The spiral model may be viewed as a met model, because it can be accommodate any process development model. The main characteristic of the spiral model is that it is cyclic and not linear like the waterfall model. The spiral model allows us to restate the issue of robustness versus correctness. After one cycle of the spiral, unstated requirements are checked as part of the robustness of the application. Each cycle consists of six stages, and each stage is represented by one quadrant of the Cartesian diagram.

  1. Classical Problem-solving approach. Study and understand the problem, its context, and its impact.Define the requirements that must be meet by any solution.Identify candidate solutions that fulfill the requirements, and select the “best” solution.Design and/or implement the chosen solution.Observe and evaluate the solution’s impact, and refine the solution accordingly.
  2. Structured approach. Because there are many problems in classical approach, so we need a better system development approach not only follow the step of system life cycle but also is equipped with several tools and techniques. Piecemeal approachPiecemeal approach is a system development approach that emphasize to an activity or just the application. The selected activity or application is developed without pay the attention from the position in information system or without pay the attention from the organization target comprehensively.
  3. System approach. A series of problem-solving steps that ensure the problem is first understood, alternative solutions are considered, and the selected solution works
  4. Bottom-up approach. A bottom-up approach is piecing together systems to give rise to grander systems, thus making the original systems sub-systems of the emergent system.
  5. Top-down approach. A top-down approach is essentially breaking down a system to gain insight into its compositional sub-systems. Total-system approachTotal-system approach is a comprehensive system development approach. This approach is done hard for the complex system, because will be more difficult to develop.
  6. Modular approach. Modular approach efforts to solve complicate system into several parts or simple modules so that we can understand and develop easily. The system also will be developed according to the time that we have planned, the user can be understood and maintenance the system easier.
  7. Great loop approach. Great loop approach applies whole changing suddenly using modern technology. It is potentially risk because computer technology develops rapidly and next years will be worn out, the investment also expensive and more complicated.
  8. Evolutionary approach. Evolutionary approach required due to size of existing code base. Take best elements from systems and adapt these.

To conduct a development system required a methodology. Methodology is the method, procedures, rules concept used by a science, art or other disciplines. While the method is a way, a systematic technique to grind. Algorithm is the sequence for the problem-solving procedures.

Three classifications of development methodology:

A. Functional decomposition methodologies Functional decomposition is emphasizing to divide a system becomes subsystem. There are the include in this group methodologies such as: HIPO, Stepwise refinement, Information hiding.

B. Data-oriented methodologies Data-oriented is emphasizing on processed data characteristic. This approach can be grouped in two:

Data-flow oriented: based on dividing system to modules pursuant to elements data types and logic behavior of these modules in system. There are the include in this group methodologies such as SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Techniques), Composite Design.

Data structure oriented: emphasizing structure of input and output in system. There are the include in this group methodologies such as JAD (Jackson's system development), W/O (Warnier/Orr).

C. Prescriptive methodologyThis methodology usually has been provided by software maker factory. In this methodology including:ISDOS (Information System Design and Optimization System), PLEXSYS, PRIDE, SDM/70, SPECTRUM, SRES and SREM, etc.

To perform the steps in accordance with the methodology provided by the development of a structured system, the equipment required in the form of a picture or diagram, or graph and techniques to implement them. Tools in the form of graphs are: HIPO charts, data flow diagrams, structured charts, SADT diagrams, warnier / orr diagrams and charts jakson's. In addition to forming images, tools that can be used nongraphical tools, structured english, forms to record and present data, and charts.

Techniques used to develop the system in all of these methodologies

Engineering project management, the Critical Path Method and Program Evaluation and Review Technique. Technique is used for scheduling the project.

Fact finding techniques, the techniques that can be used to collect data and find the facts in activities to learn the system that exists. Such as interview, observation, sampling and questionaries

Cost-Effectiveness analysis or cost-benefit analysis

Technique for meetings

Technical inspection

System Analyst is to analyze the system (to learn of the problems that arise and determine the needs of the system) to identify a reasoned solution. Programmer who is writing code for an application program based on a design that has been made up by the system analyst. Systems analyst must have a broad knowledge and expertise that is needed.

Systems analyst must have a broad knowledge and expertise that is needed. Here are the skills needed to become a good system analyst.

  1. knowledge and expertise about the data processing techniques, computer technology and computer programming
  2. general business knowledge
  3. Knowledge of quantitative methods
  4. problem-solving skills
  5. communication skills among the personn
  6. elexpertise builds relationships between personnel

Jumat, 20 Februari 2009

Chapter 1: Basic Concept (Part1)

A. Basic Concepts of Information System
• Definisi System
system is a network of work procedures related to completing a particular purpose
* procedure is the sequence of operations klerikal involving several people in one or more departments that are applied to ensure the handling of business transactions
* procedure is the correct sequence of stages instruksi that explain what should be done, what, when, and how do it.

• Characteristics of System
System has a particular characteristics, namely component, boundary, environments, interface, input, output, process and objectivies or goal.
• Component System
system consisting of a number of components or elements that interact each other, work together and form a unity. Elements of the system can be a subsystem. A system can have a larger system called the supra system. Example: if the system is seen as an accounting system, the company is a supra-systems and industry is of supra supra system

• Boundary
Boundary system is a restriction to limit the area between a system with other systems, or the area between the limit of a system with the environment outside.

• Environments
Environment the system is that there is anything outside the boundaries of the system that affect the operating system. Outside environment can be beneficial and detrimental. The beneficial factor environment is the energy of the system and must be maintained. But, the detrimental factor environment should be arrested and in order not to disrupt the viability of the system.

• Interface
Interface is the inter-media subsystem. Output from the subsystem can be the input for another subsystem.

• Input
Input is the energy put into the system. Maintenance input is inserted so that the energy system can operate. Signal input is energy with processed to obtain the output.

• Output

Output is the result of the energy processed and classified into useful output, and the remaining disposal

• Process
A System have a processing section that will be entered into the output

• Objectives or goal
System has a certain goal or target. Goal are set inputs required and the system output to be generated system.

• Classified of System
System can be classified from several perspectives, among :
• The system is classified as an abstract system and physical system
Abstract system is a system in the form of ideas, such as a system of thought in the form of relationship with the gods.
Physical system is a system that is physically

• The system is classified as a natural system and human made system
natural system is a system through a natural process, not man made.
Human made system is a system designed by humans

• The system is classified as a deterministic system and probabilistic system
Deterministic system operates with a certain behavior that can be predicted.
Probabilistic system is not necessarily the system that conditions can not be predicted.

• The system is classified as a closed system and open system
Closed system is a system that is not related by the environment outside.
Open system is a system related and affected by external environment.

B. Basic Concept of Information
Information is data processed into a form more useful and more meaningful for those who receive them. Source of information is data. Data is the fact that a real incident

• Life cycle information
Data is processed through a model into the information, the recipient will receive the information, make decisions and take actions that result in a meaningful action that will create a number of re-data. Data input is considered and processed again through a model and so create a cycle

• Quality of information
Quality of information depends on three things that is accurate, timeliness, and relevance.
- Accurate means should be free from error and bias, or misleading.
- Timelines means that the information that came in the recipient can not be delayed. The old information will not have any value anymore.
- Relevance means that the information should have benefits for users

• Value of information
Value of information are determined from two things, namely to get the benefits and costs. Information is a valuable benefit if more cost effective than to get it. Measuring the value of information is usually with a cost analysis or costbenefit Effectiveness

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009


After three years course in the Department of Computer Science Udayana, finally I have a blog also.This blog I make because a claim from one of the subjects, which require that the blog has to post the lecture material that is given in the English as the value of quis.

But not no problem, late is better than not, all right?

I think, ADSI course gives me more experience (can create a blog, learn the English language again, etc). Over all ADSI is the main top !!